A Visionary Team Day
Team Event 2023
At Allegro Packets, team events take place on a regular basis; they are an integral and important part of the corporate culture. The variety of events ranges from a picnic in the park to various sports activities or pub evenings. Once a year, the team takes the time to spend an entire day together. This late summer, the employees of Allegro Packets went to a very special event in the Wilhelm-Külz Park near the famous Leipzig Monument to the Battle of the Nations.
A team of golf experts, or more precisely: specialists in Frisbee golf, awaited us in the extensive green space in the south-east of Leipzig. The sport – also called disc golf – demands skill and accuracy and is suitable for all ages. The task is to hit a basket or other target from the drop point with as few throws as possible. This requires not only a good throwing technique, but also good vision.
However, not only the throwing arm of all participants was extensively trained. Strategic thinking and full physical effort were also required. Many a colleague was spotted in the rough looking for his Frisbee disc and then had to find the best throwing position out of the undergrowth. This was a lot of fun, but probably provided a botanical insight or two. Split into four teams, the best throwing talents were sought on the green area of the park and then celebrated appropriately at a small award ceremony.
After the small Frisbee golf competition, all the athletes were in the mood for some culinary refreshments, which we enjoyed in the nearby premises of the Mehrweg e.V. association. The small cultural centre of the Mehrweg e. V. association is equipped with a children's and youth library, a gallery room with changing photo and painting exhibitions, and a museum room full of toys. It can be booked for a diverse range of events. The facility bears the name "WolkenSchachLenkWal" , which is a playful variation on the name of its large neighbour "Völkerschlachtdenkmal" (Monument to the Battle of the Nations). With various course offerings as well as art and cultural events, it is a place for lived integration. Refreshed thanks to the oriental delicacies, we moved on to the second part of the day: a small team presentation.

Against the backdrop of a construction vehicle, ingenuity and dedication were required to give the colleagues an understanding of what the different departments deal with in their daily work in five minutes. The focus was on describing a specific work task as precisely as possible, so that the colleagues would get a better idea of the work routine of other departments in the company. For example, the audience learned how even the smallest changes can seriously disrupt a supply chain or what a roadblock a batch number can be. It was described what the iterative process of solving a customer problem looks like, which work steps are needed to fill a position, and how many lines of code are needed to readjust the software rights management. Furthermore, it was also shown, what exact work steps are carried out to create a video until it is finally published, and also how much the duration and intensity of customer contact can differ until an order is placed. It was also explained, which individual factors flow into cost accounting, what our administrator has to consider when onboarding a new employee or what is how and why recorded during the annual inventory. In the beautiful late summer sunshine, all participants took away new insights into the daily work of their colleagues and were able to look beyond their own personal horizons.
Many thanks to all those who made this day a wonderful and round experience full of new impressions. We are already looking forward to our next team event.
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