Allegro Packets Announces Release 2.3

Allegro Packets Announces Release 2.3 of its Market-Leading Analysis and Monitoring Software

Allegro Packets Announces Release 2.3 with new features
One of the new features: Advanced TCP Analysis

Leipzig, 19. March 2019 - The new firmware release 2.3.0 is available for the Allegro Network Multimeter. Allegro Packets extends the functionality of its innovative troubleshooting tool with numerous new features.

Compared to release 2.2.2, the extended functionality of the Allegro Network Multimeter ensures an even more precise and faster analysis of recorded data streams. New key features include simplified remote access via the Allegro cloud, enhanced TCP analysis to evaluate TCP flags and TCP zero window, and the use of virtual link groups to separately view multiple different networks. The aim is to better prepare network administrators for the rapidly growing network market and the associated challenges. The new features significantly optimize the performance of the Allegro Network Multimeter and help support network administrators to ensure best network quality.

"The German pocket knife among the network tools is constantly expanding its range of functions," said founder and managing director Klaus Degner, highlighting the advantages for users. "In this way, our customers always benefit from the latest version and are always one step ahead. Release 2.3 makes our box even faster and more precise to use."

The new features of the Allegro Network Multimeter 2.3.0 include the following highlights:

  • Remote access via the Allegro cloud: Starting with version 2.3, the Allegro can also be made accessible via the Allegro cloud behind a firewall. An SSH tunnel is established on port 22 and port 443 to a server in Germany which creates a generally available URL for this Allegro Network Multimeter and forwards incoming SSL connections to it. It is important to note that the SSL connection cannot be opened by Allegro Packets themselves. This means that the cloud service is only a proxy and it is technically impossible to steal data.
  • Advanced TCP Analysis: The Allegro Network Multimeter can now also evaluate TCP flags and TCP Zero Window. Statistics are available globally, per IP and per connection.TCP Zero Window means that the recipient has received enough data, but has not yet processed it. This is a good indication that the network is fast enough, but the device is at its performance limit.
  • Virtual link groups: The Allegro Network Multimeter allows you to view several different networks separately. The groups can be separated via a port, VLAN or MPLS label. 
  • Partial analysis of the ring buffer: In order to avoid having to analyze the entire ring buffer, the Allegro Network Multimeter can now analyze only part of the ring buffer. To do this, you can change the start and end times for the replay. 
  • Advanced SIP Statistics: The SIP statistics have been extended by several views. These include, for example, the events of a SIP connection or a common pcap button for SIP and RTP traffic. 
  • Switching off individual analysis modules: The Allegro Network Multimeter can now stop the internal analysis for certain network layers. It is now possible to choose between ‘Packet Recording Only’ or an analysis up to L2, L3, L4 or L7. The fewer layers that need to be analyzed, the greater the performance gain and the longer the database will last. As an example, you can only select up to L3 and see both IP addresses and IP peers, but no longer the connections. 
  • SSL Cipher Analysis: The Allegro system can now analyze SSL ciphers globally and specify the IP addresses per cipher and which cipher was used. In addition, the cipher offered by the client and used by the server is stored for each IP in the connection view.
  • SNMP support: The Allegro Network Multimeter now supports SNMP to monitor the availability of the Allegro with other monitoring systems.
  • L4 ports can be renamed: You can now change the TCP or UDP port names.
  • In-memory cache for peak loads up to 100 Gbit/s: If the internal HDD or SSD write rate is too slow for peak loads, you can now use part of the RAM as a buffer.

"With version 2.3.0 we enable the user to achieve increased network quality as well as a fast troubleshooting and thus a more targeted performance improvement in everyday business. At the same time, we not only want to deliver improvements, but also guarantee the future security of the Allegro Packets tools for us and our customers," said Klaus Degner.

The latest software Release 2.3 of Allegro Packets is now available. It can be installed on all devices with support.


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