Magazine IT-Administrator IT administrator tested Allegro Network Multimeter - in German

Review of the Allegro Network Multimeter 200 and 1000

IT-Administrator testet den Allegro Network Multimeter 200 und 1000

A test report on the monitoring and network diagnostics of Allegro Packet devices was published in issue 9/18 of IT-Administrator magazine. The article is also available online for subscribers.

Both the Allegro Network Multimeter 200 (End of Life since 2023) and the Allegro Network Multimeter 1000 scored "optimal" in the test.

The author explained the simple installation and data collection and emphasized these advantages as "practice-relevant".

Update: The IT administrator also reports on the new Release 2.2.


Have you read the articles and now want to test the device? You're welcome to get in touch with us. 


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