Release 3.2: Improvements of the Dashboard and Incident Function

With Release 3.2, Allegro Packets continues to expand the custom dashboard and incident capabilities of Allegro Network Multimeters

Allegro Packets has released individual Dashboards for all Allegro Network Multimeter

Leipzig, Germany, May 6, 2021 - Allegro Packets, the market-leading producer of network measurement and fault detection technology, has announced the issue of a new firmware update. Release 3.2 is available immediately for all Allegro Network Multimeter models. It allows users to perform more problem-oriented and customized network troubleshooting. Highlights of the firmware update include enhancements in the user-defined dashboards and an extensive expansion of the incident function.

The Allegro Network Multimeter is a measurement tool produced by Allegro Packets for detailed analysis of network traffic from 1 to 200 Gigabits per second. Allegro Packets is continuously working on new features and enhancements for its appliances, to provide users with easy and fast network troubleshooting options. With Release 3.2, the company has rolled out a firmware update with many new features.

In addition to features such as the incident function with rule-based mechanism and syslog support, users of Allegro appliances can now enable public access to a limited number of statistics. The new multicast group widget for the custom dashboard displays statistics per group, while the QoS widget displays statistics per class. The widgets have also been enhanced with statistics per VLAN, for jitter, packet loss, response times and codes, country statistics, retransmissions, and more. Furthermore, configuration tools for editing LAN and Wi-Fi settings directly on the appliance have been added, plus an offline copy of the Allegro product wiki. Since the new update, there is TACACS+ support as an additional source for user management and a new capture feature 'regexp'. With this, regular expressions can be used to filter packets.

Users can find out more details about Release 3.2 in the webcast from Product Manager and Managing Director Klaus Degner. "Release 3.2 is primarily based on feature requests from our customers," said Klaus Degner. "We are proud to work together with our customers on our Allegro devices to offer a product that always meets market and customer requirements."


Firmware update 3.2 provides enhancements, new features and bug fixes for all Allegro Packets appliances, and is available immediately to all supported customers as a download. Allegro Packets will email all customers a detailed description in the release notes.


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