Collaboration in Action

Allegro Packets and HTWK Leipzig produce recruiting film

A tangle of cables stretches across the shiny parquet floor, spotlights bathe the rooms in tension-generating light. Tripods and cameras are everywhere, ready to capture every moment. Busy, creative hands meticulously work on fine details: "Attention! Camera rolling... and please!
No, we are not on a film set - but on the premises of the Allegro Packets´ office in Leipzig.

Cooperation with HTWK Leipzig
In May 2023, we opened the doors of our company for an exciting cooperation project. For two days, our office was transformed into a bustling film set. The occasion? The cooperation with a group of media technology students from the Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK). They designed and produced a recruiting film for our company in close cooperation with our marketing team. In total, more than 20 people were involved in the project, which had already found its start in the fall of 2022.

The path to realization
The path from the initial idea to the finished film was marked by intensive preparation. Months before the actual shooting date, the  planning phase started: the script was written, the cast was chosen, and the technical equipment carefully planned. Thanks to the close cooperation and commitment of everyone involved, the coordination went smoothly.

The film
The result is a film that is well worth seeing. It provides an exciting insight into the various areas of work at Allegro Packets and conveys our values and philosophy. The film is aimed primarily at students and graduates, i.e. potential future employees.
We are especially pleased with the participation of our own employees, who will act as speakers. Some of them have studied at the HTWK themselves.

Mutual benefit
The cooperation with the students was a huge gain for both sides. For our company, it meant that we received a highly professional film that we can use for recruiting purposes in the future. For the project group, it was a good opportunity to put their theoretical knowledge into practice. In the process, they were able to develop their skills and also learn a lot individually.
This collaboration with HTWK Leipzig was not only a cinematic experience but also proof of how innovation and cooperation can advance our company and the next generation of talent in equal measure.

You can find the final film on YouTube. So, get comfortable, grab some popcorn and a cold drink. Then just sit back and enjoy!

If you are interested in our open positions or would like to learn more about career opportunities at Allegro Packets, visit our careers page. We are always looking for new talent to be a proactive part of our success story.

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