Parallel packet processing

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What is parallel packet processing?

The parallel packet processing mode allows you to analyze historic packets in parallel to the live analytics on one Allegro Network Multimeter. The Allegro Network Multimeter supports pcap files and ring buffers as input for the parallel packet processing.

How can I configure parallel packet processing?

You can enable parallel packet processing at SettingsGlobal settingsPCAP parallel analysis. This mode has 3 options:

  • Globally enable/disable this mode
  • Reserved memory in percentage of main memory ( default 10 percent )
  • Number of offline analysis slots ( default 1 )

Parallel pcap processing configuration.png

Allegro Packets recommends you to enable parallel packet processing with default values and restart the processing. Please be aware that your current measurement will be lost when restarting the processing.

How can I use parallel packet processing?

pcap upload

Once you have enabled this feature and restarted the processing, you can use it by uploading a pcap file at GenericPCAP analysis. Please select a pcap file here.

Pcap Analysis before start.png

Once a file is selected and you press Analyze pcap, the following pop-up will appear:

Pcap Analysis dialoge.png

The Option Use a packet buffer... will store a temporary second ring buffer on the storage device to allow pcap extraction after the pcap upload. This option is only available if there is a storage device attached.

Once you click OK, the file will be uploaded and analyzed immediately. If the upload is complete, you will see the following dialogue

Pcap Analysis upload succesful.png

To switch between the pcap and the live analysis, use the selector in the top menu.

Pcap Analysis selector.png

The Allegro Network Multimeter will keep the replay open even if you close the browser session. You can terminate the pcap replay session at the dashboard:

Pcap Analysis dashboard.png

Ring buffer analysis

The ring buffer analysis works similar to the pcap upload, except that a part or the total ring buffer is used. Please navigate to the ring buffer statistics at GenericPacket ring buffer. Select a time which shall be re-analyzed.

Ring buffer Analysis button.png

Then press the button Analyze packet ring buffer below the graphs and the following dialogue will appear.

Ring buffer Analysis dialogue.png

Here you can select the replay slot. Once the replay is started, you can proceed like the pcap upload and select the replay and terminate it on the dashboard.