REST API description: Difference between revisions

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$ curl --silent -k -u 'admin:allegro'  "https://allegro-mm/API/stats/modules/ip/ips/$(date --date="1 day ago" +%s)&endtime=$(date +%s)&skiphistorydata=true" | jq '.interval[1] + .interval[3]'
$ curl --silent -k -u 'admin:allegro'  "https://allegro-mm/API/stats/modules/ip/ips/$(date --date="1 day ago" +%s)&endtime=$(date +%s)&skiphistorydata=true" | jq '.interval[1] + .interval[3]'
=== List queries ===
List queries are requested with pagination parameters to reduce the size of the resulting JSON objects and to increase performance. In the resulting JSON object, the list elements are stored in the displayedItems array.
The following list parameters are possible:
* sort: Sorting criteria for the list. Following criterias are supported for most lists:
** bytes: Received and transmitted bytes (either in selected time interval or since start of the Multimeter).
** rxbytes: Received bytes.
** txbytes: Transmitted bytes.
** bps: Received and transmitted bytes per second (either average per second value of the selected time interval or last second, if no interval is specified).
** rxbps: Received bytes per second.
** txbps: Transmitted bytes per second.
* reverse: Sort ascending (= false) or descending (= true).
* page: Requested page.
* count: Amount of entries in the list. Maximum is 100.
* values: Amount of maximal values in history object(s).
This example shows IP address with the highest amount of traffic
<code>curl --silent -k -u USER:PASSWORD 'https://allegro-mm/API/stats/modules/ip/ips_paged?sort=bps&reverse=true&page=0&count=1' | jq .displayedItems[0].ip</code>
This exampe shows up to 9999 peers of a specific IP address:
<code>curl --silent -k -u USER:PASSWORD 'https://allegro-mm/API/stats/modules/ip/ips/' | jq '.displayedItems[].ip'</code>

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<code>curl --silent -k -u USER:PASSWORD 'https://allegro-mm-XXXX/API/stats/modules/ip/ips/' | jq</code>
<code>curl --silent -k -u USER:PASSWORD 'https://allegro-mm-XXXX/API/stats/modules/ip/ips/' | jq</code>
==== List queries ====
List queries are requested with pagination parameters to reduce the size of the resulting JSON objects and to increase performance. In the resulting JSON object, the list elements are stored in the displayedItems array.
The following list parameters are possible:
* sort: Sorting criteria for the list. Following criterias are supported for most lists:
** bytes: Received and transmitted bytes (either in selected time interval or since start of the Multimeter).
** rxbytes: Received bytes.
** txbytes: Transmitted bytes.
** bps: Received and transmitted bytes per second (either average per second value of the selected time interval or last second, if no interval is specified).
** rxbps: Received bytes per second.
** txbps: Transmitted bytes per second.
* reverse: Sort ascending (= false) or descending (= true).
* page: Requested page.
* count: Amount of entries in the list. Maximum is 100.
* values: Amount of maximal values in history object(s).
==== Show IP address with the highest amount of traffic ====
<code>curl --silent -k -u USER:PASSWORD 'https://allegro-mm-XXXX/API/stats/modules/ip/ips_paged?sort=bps&reverse=true&page=0&count=1' | jq .displayedItems[0].ip</code>
PowerShell command:
<code>((Invoke-RestMethod -Uri 'https://allegro-mm-XXXX/API/stats/modules/ip/ips_paged?sort=bytes&reverse=true&page=0&count=10&timespan=60&values=50' -Headers @{Authorization = ("Basic {0}" -f [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f 'USER', 'PASSWORD'))))} -ContentType'application/json; charset=utf-8' -Method 'Get' -SkipCertificateCheck). displayedItems[0]).ip</code>
==== Show all peers of a specific IP address ====
<code>curl --silent -k -u USER:PASSWORD 'https://allegro-mm-XXXX/API/stats/modules/ip/ips/' | jq '.displayedItems[].ip'</code>

==== Capture a specific IP ====
==== Capture a specific IP ====
